模块提供了 *** 编程的功能,可以用来创建和管理 *** 连接。要实现一个服务器对多个客户端进行交互,可以通过创建多个客户端连接,并在每个客户端上启动一个新的线程或进程来处理每个客户端请求。这样可以避免阻塞主线程,从而提高服务器的并发能力。服务器可以在接收客户端数据时解析请求并执行相应的操作,然后将结果发送回客户端。
Copyright (c) The PyAMF Project. See LICENSE.txt for details. """ Example socket server using Twisted. @see: U{Documentation for this example<;} @since: 0.1 """ import twisted except ImportError: print "This examples requires the Twisted framework. Download it from " raise SystemExit from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory from twisted.internet import reactor from datetime import datetime import pyamf class TimerProtocol(Protocol): interval = 1.0 # 每个客户端链接到server后,server往客户端发送时间的间隔 encoding = pyamf.AMF3 timeout = 20 # 客户端链接到server后多少时间不操作就断开链接的timeout def __init__(self): self.started = False # 设置编码器 self.encoder = pyamf.get_encoder(self.encoding) # 设置server端将数据编码成amf后存放的缓存地址 = def connectionLost(self, reason): Protocol.connectionLost(self, reason) print "local connection:", reason # 客户端没断开一个链接,总连接数-1 self.factory.number_of_connections -= 1 print "number_of_connections:", self.factory.number_of_connections def connectionMade(self): # 如果服务器连接数超过更大连接数,拒绝新链接建立 if self.factory.number_of_connections >= self.factory.max_connections: self.transport.write('Too many connections, try again later') self.transport.loseConnection() return # 总连接数+1 self.factory.number_of_connections += 1 self.timeout_deferred = reactor.callLater(TimerProtocol.timeout, self.transport.loseConnection) def dataReceived(self, data): # 去除server收到client数据两端的空格 data = data.strip() # 如果收到的是'start'命令 if data == 'start': # start sending a date object that contains the current time if not self.started: self.start() elif data == 'stop':