要成为 *** 配音人员,你需要通过以下考试和证书来提升自己的专业技能:,,1. **英语测试**:大多数配音工作都要求使用英语进行沟通。你可能需要参加英语水平测试如雅思、托福或PETS(Professional English Test)。,,2. **语言能力测试**:一些配音公司可能会要求你进行语言能力测试,以评估你的听力、口语和阅读理解能力。,,3. **录音技术培训**:掌握基本的录音技术和操作设备,包括麦克风、音响等。,,4. **行业认证**:许多配音公司和机构会要求你获得相关行业的认证,比如ASL(美国口译协会)、TTS(文本-to-speech)认证等。,,5. **项目经验**:积累实际的配音项目经验是非常重要的。你可以参加在线课程或者找朋友帮忙进行配音练习。,,6. **个人品牌建设**:通过社交媒体平台展示你的专业能力和作品,可以增加你在行业中的知名度。,,7. **持续学习**:随着技术的发展和市场的变化,不断学习新的配音技巧和技术是必要的。,,每个行业都有其特定的要求,所以在选择职业之前,更好详细了解你感兴趣的行业,并根据自身情况进行规划和准备。I want to be a freelance voice actor. What tests and certificates do I need?
To become a freelance voice actor, you will need some basic experience with non-realistic acting skills. You should be able to express various emotions in a way that is appropriate for the situation. The preparation time for an audition should be short, and you should be able to exit the scene quickly.
You should have quick memory abilities when it comes to visuals and text. Your mouth should not show any obvious swallowing while delivering lines.
Your breathing should be sufficient for the recording session.
Certificates? No.
Tests? A job interview at the employer is mandatory.
There are many ways to find freelance voice acting jobs.1. Voice Newbie Circle: This is a public platform where daily tasks related to voice acting are posted. It is suitable for beginners who are new to the field and looking to gain experience.
2. Vocal Actor Circle: This is another public platform where *** all voice acting tasks are posted. These tasks can be done by both professionals and *** s. There are also articles, reviews, and other content available for people to choose from.
3. New Vocal Actor Circle: Similar to the second circle, this platform has daily tasks and learning resources. It also offers more advanced courses and workshops.
4. Voice Broadcasting Company: This is an online app that provides various freelance work options such as customer service, recording tasks, writing submissions, design, and transcription.