"英语角游戏建议:英语连连看。而讨论主题是英文辩论 *** 游戏"
"We will organize ourselves to sing English songs together, learn English pronunciation and rhythm, we will select some interesting English idioms for everyone to practice using, such as common English phrases used in everyday communication like slang."
"We will invite more excellent students to share their practical English sentences with us, which cover various life scenes such as business negotiations and travel recommendations."
"We will hold some theme discussions called "chatting on the go" or "discussing topics'' , we can ask students randomly choose one topic for a conversation, this can not only improve their language expression ability but also make the class atmosphere more relaxed and enjoyable.
"We will schedule some interesting team competitions like word chain, character roles playing etc., this can help students enhance their teamwork skills and also help them remember new vocabulary."
"We will invite professional English teachers to give us lectures about the latest English news, so that we can know the latest global news and improve our English reading comprehension ability."
"We will try to provide different levels of students with a variety of activities, so that they can learn more English knowledge."