The "删档计费" in this context refers to when the game's server closes temporarily after some period of time and then opens again later. Those who have already paid for additional game time can continue playing during this period, while those who do not need to recharge during this period cannot enter it. This situation requires players to decide whether to spend money to obtain extra game time.
This does not necessarily mean that only paying players can participate in the game. If you充值并参与内测期间的游戏, your initial充值 amount will be saved up until the official launch. Regardless of which stage of the subscription you started at, you can enjoy the same treatment.
"The '删档计费' is typically designed to affect the lifespan of the game, meaning that if you miss an early period of subscription payment, your invested funds may be considered lost. However, this loss is not guaranteed, as the return rate and rules set by the game company are usually fair and reasonable."
I hope these modifications help clarify your understanding of the term "删档计费". If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.