《Ever17:时空轮回完美结局攻略》是一款超现实、多维度的动作冒险游戏。玩家扮演一位被时间遗忘的少女,在一个神秘的世界中寻找属于自己的未来。游戏中有各种各样的挑战和任务等待着玩家去完成,包括时间旅行、解决谜题、与不同角色互动等。通过一系列精心设计的游戏机制,玩家可以解锁不同的剧情线和成就,最终实现时空轮回的完美结局。这款游戏不仅考验玩家的策略和技巧,也强调了对未知世界的探索和对人性的思考。Ever 17: Time R轮完美结局攻略?
I just played this game, and while I still don't fully understand it, I have already understood many of the questions.
Firstly, I believe that the life detection instrument is actually amouse with a large mouth. Because they previously used the life detection instrument to find it.The love has been extinguished because you chose poorly, so there will be no survivors except for the one in "The Moon Sea" (Jiu), who has a good ending from the perspective of the Wu Shizhen point.
The strategy can be found online by simply searching, and there are 11 endings in total. You can experience 4 different female protagonists' endings (the "Wu Shi Zhen Point" version of "The Moon Sea", "Empty", and the "Youth Perspective" version of "Yuan Shao and Xiaoshuo") that lead to a perfect ending (no one dies).
Opening the hidden "Kai Kaian" chapter adds a new dimension to the story, making it an essential part of the game's plot, which is very interesting.
So called "God Game! ", you can solve your problems on this webpage, but it's best to play through the entire "Kai Kaian" chapter before looking at it again, otherwise, some answers may not make sense to you!