Exploring the Virtual World of Dragon Ball: An Unveiling of Online Gaming's Latest Adventure
In recent news, an exclusive Spanish-language platform dedicated to "Dragon Ball Online" (abbreviated as DBO) has revealed that the game's operator, CJInternet, has announced its intentions in their latest update. According to the company's statement, they plan to initiate the closed beta testing phase for "Dragon Ball Online" during the second quarter of this year. The beta test is scheduled to commence weeks prior to the official release and will be offered entirely free of charge.
初期估计,此次测试活动主要面向韩国本地玩家,这与诸如《Warhammer Online》等大作的做法相似,关于游戏是否会在未来拓展至全球市场,目前仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。
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