<strong>Sixth Day Creative Games?</strong><p>1. Air balloon transport game</p><p>Activity preparation: air balloons, bubble wrap</p><p>Activity玩法:让班级里的孩子们排成两队,用泡泡球限制活动范围,将一筐小球逐个逐个地从第一名小朋友传到最后一名小朋友那里,两队PK拼速度。</p><p>2. Twister</p><p>Activity preparation: paper cup, ping pong</p><p>Activity玩法:用纸杯(或其他杯子中间挖洞),绑在腰部,盒内装若干乒乓球,开始扭动腰臀,看最后谁的盒子里剩的少,球最少者胜出。</p><p>3. Find your parents</p><p>Activity preparation: big head dolls 6</p><p>Activity玩法:邀请6个家庭参加,家长戴大头娃娃头饰,听音乐在场地中央跳舞,音乐停止,家长站在场地两端,主持人帮助幼儿原地转三圈后,让幼儿找到自己的父母。</p><p>6. Jumping monkey into the enclosure:</p><p>In the center of the park, six children stand in different directions facing each other with one child and three monkeys standing on each side. Two children and four monkeys face each other.</p><p>When the music stops, two children wearing monkey masks step forward and try to reach the person who is closest to them, then roll the ball (monkey) from their hands to the ground.</p><p>The monkey rolls the ball clockwise or counter-clockwise until it reaches the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh monkey. The first monkey to reach the designated position wins.</p><p>3. Passing the bubble:</p><p>This activity requires a large area and many participants. A group of people can form a circle around a single person, tie their arms together, and swing their arms as they pass the bubbles.</p><p>When you finish passing the bubbles, the person holding the bubble goes back to where he/she started. When all participants have passed the bubbles, the last person to complete the circle wins.</p><p style="text-align:center"><img src="https://img.fayouxi.com/zb_users/upload/2025/01/20250101181400173572644049184.jpeg" alt="Sixth Day Creative Games?">Six-day creative games for children’s day</p><p>6-Day Creative Games for Children's Day</p><p>6-day creative games for children's day</p></blockquote>