如果你想在保证电脑性能的前提下购买一个性价比高的笔记本,可以考虑以下几款:,,1. **联想 Ideapad 335Y**:这款笔记本配备了Intel Core i7处理器和NVIDIA GeForce MX 1600 GPU,适合日常办公和轻度游戏。价格适中,性价比较高。,,2. **惠普 Pavilion x360**:采用AMD Ryzen 7处理器,配备RTX 2080 GPU,性能强大,适合专业用户或需要高性能 gaming的游戏爱好者。,,3. **戴尔 Inspiron 15 5000**:搭载英特尔酷睿i5处理器,配备NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650显卡,适用于轻度到中等强度的工作任务。,,4. **ASUS VivoBook S15**:使用AMD Ryzen 5处理器,配备NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050显卡,性能出色,适合需要处理大量数据的专业人士。,,这些产品在预算范围内提供了良好的性能和功能,能够满足你对笔记本的需求。建议你在选择时,根据自己的具体需求和预算进行综合考虑。I want to buy a notebook that doesn't play games and can watch TV without being laggy. Which models have good recommendations for a better value?
Thank you for inviting me.
According to your requirements, if you don't play games, you can choose notebooks with integrated graphics. Even in the same series, integrated graphics versions tend to be cheaper than standalone graphics versions.
For your concern about not experiencing lag when watching TV, an 8GB RAM + solid-state drive combination will suffice. For the CPU, mainstream AMD R5 or i5 processors are suitable.
Overall, I recommend setting the price between 3000-4000 yuan. Here are some options for you to consider:
1. HP Pavilion 66 2nd generation AMD version - Starts at 3699 yuan, offering good expandability with additional memory and storage.
2. Mechanical Revolution S1 Pro - Starts at 3999 yuan, also offering good expandability with additional memory and storage.
3. Honor MagicBook 2019 - Starts at 3599 yuan, offering less expandability but still capable of basic functionality.
4. Godson Pro - Starts at 3899 yuan, offering decent expandability.Please note that the prices listed here are approximate and may vary based on availability and other factors. It's recommended to do further research and compare before making a decision.